Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Winter Camellias

I'm not a big fan of cold weather - but one thing to look forward to in winter are my beautiful camellias.

I captured the first one here but now I've got a whole bush with enough to snip and bring inside.

Last year I cut a few branches and tried my hand (unsuccessfully) at propagating them - seeing these blooms makes me want to try again.


  1. Your camelias are gorgeous. I love them as cut flowers except they droop quickly. We had a whole fence lined with at our old house, looking forward to popping some in at Betsy's. melx

  2. They're just stunning! I have a couple of baby bushes in the garden and I'm looking forward to their blooms :)

  3. They are gorgeous. I have several very generous bushes in the garden that flower throughout winter...gorgeous.

  4. Hi Alecia, your camellia photo is quite beautiful. They're such a pretty colour - very warming :D)


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