Sunday, 19 February 2012

Summer Deck Update

So this is pretty much where I spent this weekend.

It's like Brisbane just suddenly realised it's February and it better turn up the temperature. It's been a real stinker of a weekend.

I've spent a bit of time peering over the deck railings and making mental lists of all the jobs that need to be done in the garden and then plopping down on the lounge totally at peace with the fact that none of them are going to get done today.

We picked up the outdoor lounge on sale at Freedom a few weeks ago - I thought it was a bit of a shame to get it at the end of the summer, but it's been brilliant and it's really encouraged us to get outside and utilise the deck a bit more. When I come home from work and stretch out on it I somehow don't feel as guilty as I would lying in front of the TV.

And although Mr Tchotchke loves it too I think he regards it as a new battleground for his ongoing war against over-cushioning..


  1. Oh your outdoor lounge is a superb idea. We have huge corner daybed which we used to use all the time......before kids that is. Now we barely get time to sit down let alone kick back with the feet up! melx

  2. Yes, I'm loving the outdoor lounge too! How I dream of some sort of outdoor reclinsey-type furniture. Enjoy it! I do admire your cane table and radio too. Good work!
