Tuesday, 12 July 2011

My First Foray with Roses Begins

So I've taken the plunge and ordered some roses!

image via Rose Notes
I've put in an order for three Brindabella Bouquet's to make a little rose border along the end of the veggie garden, and one David Austen - Jude the Obscure to pop in the front garden bed. The Jude the Obscure are the lovely peachy ones in the above arrangement.

I chose the Brindabella's because apparently they're more suited to Brisbane conditions and are resistant to blackspot. I've never grown any rose bushes before so figured I'd try and make it as easy as possible for myself - when I was growing up my Mum had a lovely rose garden but I remember them being a lot of work.

And since I was already paying for shipping I couldn't resist throwing some hydrangeas into the order too - one Hydrangea Goliath and one Hydrangea Le Cygne.

I don't expect to have as many gorgeous blooms as the above bouquet - but if they could each pop out a few blossoms come spring I'll be a happy girl...


  1. That's very exciting! I've heard of the brindabella ones but not seen them. You'll have to post pics of the blooms when they come. I'm a big fan of Austins, I have quite a few. I adore them in an arrangement like in the pic :)

  2. I have managed to grow a few roses, with very minimal input. Your selection looks glorious and hydrangeas are also one of my faves. Legoman's most stellar moment was bringing home a huge potted pink hydrangea for no reason ( this was pre kids) and it made a very big impression. Might have to remind him about it...... melx

  3. We currently have a mud mess for a front yard and weed heaven in the back. I'm looking forward to the day when I can start planting, however the inside still calls for more attention. A rose border around the veg garden sounds lovely.
