Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hydrangea Blues

I've got the hydrangea blues.

via Martha Stewart
Look how gorgeous Martha's hydrangeas are. I'm jealous. I desperately wanted hydrangeas for my wedding last year, and even went and bought my own plants - determined to grow my own flowers when florists all over Brisbane were adamant the blooms wouldn't be available.

Neither plant did too well - I mistakenly put them both in full shade. Both are still hanging in there so we'll see what happens this coming summer. In the meantime - look at what I spotted in the Garden Express catalogue in this month's Gardening Australia...

Hydrangea plants!

Averaging at $5 a pop they're a good dealer cheaper than the $17 pots at Bunnings last year.

And look at their peonies...

Mmm, combining my love of nurseries with my love on online shopping can only have disastrous results for my savings..

1 comment:

  1. I received that catalogue and DID notice those hydrangeas, they're stunning!
    I have some in the garden but my soil makes them pink instead of the blue I'd like :)
