Sunday, 22 May 2011

More Garden Work: Landscaping Under the Deck

There was more garden work to be done this weekend - the ugly bit of dirt under the deck need some attention.

So off we went to Tingalpa Landscaping Supplies to source some gravel and pavers. I have to say we've been to a few landscaping supply yards over the past few weekends and without a doubt we got the best service at TLS.

Here is there delivery truck dumping half a cubic metre of Brown Gravel (20mm) on our driveway.

Here's the ugly before shot.

We'd bought weed matting and timber edging to keep the grass out and the gravel in - and Mr Tchotchke and my Dad had lots of fun putting it in.

I think my Dad had an episode with an sloping shelf as a child - because everything needs to be 110% level, even and square. I think I get some of my slightly OCD tendencies from him.

And here's the finished area. Its looking so much better now - but still a little bare. I'm considering bringing the stripy deck chairs down to this area and adding some potted plants.. everything's always a work in progress!


  1. Isn't it wonderful to just sit back and survey the progress? Can't wait to see you deck and gravel all jazzed up and accessorised. Melx

  2. Are you going to do a follow up article? Would love to know what happens next.

    Northampton landscaping supplies
